Zendesk Flow Builder API Call
Zendesk announced the ability to add an API call step to their Messaging Flow Builder. This allows you to get external data and show it your users. So what's possible? Let's build a quick mockup and find out!
Zendesk announced the ability to add an API call step to their Messaging Flow Builder. This allows you to get external data and show it your users. So what's possible? Let's build a quick mockup and find out!
Zendesk just announced the ability to add an API call step to their Flow Builder. This allows you to get, post, update or delete data on a remote server or API as a step in the Bot flow.
As usual, their documentation is very clear, but lacks some real world examples or detailed steps.
We have a Support widget on our website. We notice that customers often contact us with questions regarding the status of our systems.
So instead of pointing them to an external status page, we'll let the bot get the current system status, and hopefully return an "All good, we're online". Or if not, we let them know we're offline with a link to more information.
You can test this flow via the Widget below.