Sunshine Conversations
Sending out automated pending reminders via Zendesk Messaging
This article will show you how you can send out automated reminders over Messaging to your customers when your agents are awaiting a response.
Learn how to setup a good self service strategy while meeting your customers where they are. Offer an AI automated chatbot to your web and social visitors. Offer auto reply via email, or reach out proactive to your customers powered by Sunshine Conversations.
Sunshine Conversations
This article will show you how you can send out automated reminders over Messaging to your customers when your agents are awaiting a response.
Bots and Messaging
The new custom translations for the Zendesk Bot make it possible to combine automatic translations for all your flows and answers, while making sure that specific replies or words do not lose their context in a bad translations.
In a previous article I explained the Road to Automation and how it can help with automating more your support interactions. This article takes a real scenario and keeps improving the customer experience by leveraging a hybrid approach combining flows, generative replies and API integrations.
Bot Builder
Zendesk recently added variables, dynamic options and carousels to their Bot Builder. No better way to showcase these new capabilities than building a bot powered by the Avengers!
Agent Availability
This article will show you how to handle agent availability in the Zendesk Messaging Widget.
Bots and Messaging
Zendesk introduced a new email verification flow to handle the mapping of authenticated Messaging users and exiting end-user profiles. It's a lot so let's dive in!
Bots and Messaging
This tutorial shows you how to build an Answer flow for Zendesk Messaging that allows visitors to restart the conversation.
Bots and Messaging
As a first big release for the Zendesk Bot this year, Zendesk is introducing Answer Linking, which can turn answers into reusable blocks!
Bots and Messaging
This article will showcase the new Dynamic Conversation features for the Zendesk Bot by building a Movie Bot that shows information about movies to your customers
Bots and Messaging
Discover the all new Generative Zendesk Bot powered by OpenAI in this article!
Bots and Messaging
Sometimes you want to let your customers know if agents are available before they try to reach out. This article will show you how to do it (on any Zendesk plan!)
Bots and Messaging
This article explains how you can use the Messaging Widget without a chatbot and still collect information from your customers